Clean up on the run with Plogging pioneer Erik Ahlström!

Join our inspiring event where the founder of the Plogging movement shares his journey and mission to clean up the world – one run at a time! We start at Kista Innovation Park on Wednesday 18 September at 11.30. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the movement that changes our planet for the better.

When? September 18, from 11.30pm
Where? Start at Kista Innovation Park
How? Ericsson is organizing this event and providing gloves and bags as well as bins for the trash to be thrown in. Erik Ahlström, the founder of, will be leading the event and will start with an introductory speech about what plogging is and how it is done. Sasha Galic at Ericsson also shares a bit information about the event.

Everyone is welcome to participate, just show up!

About Erik Ahlström
Founder of the Plogging phenomenon, Erik Ahlström, is passionate about nature and sports. He has spent most of his life in motion on mountains and in forests, on skis or in running shoes.

It was during 2016 on one of the many trail runs, Erik being appalled by all the trash people left behind in nature, on the streets, rivers, he started to pick up the litter, and the journey of inspiring others doing the same started. The Plogging movement has exploded since and Erik is today travelling around the world plogging with dedicated communities. The combination of moving your body for your health and caring about the nature has created a proud community of litter pickers.

See more events

18 sep 2024



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