

Summer vibes and happy times:

Welcome to Kista Torg!

Barbecue, climb, sing and dance! Summer is here, which means lots of fun for children and youth at Kista Torg.

The summer season and the long-awaited summer holiday are finally here and at Kista Torg this means 100% summer vibes only. Every weekday until 1 July, Kista Galleria and the Church of Sweden invite you to the square for activities for all children and young people.

The schedule is packed with everything from barbecues, climbing and singing, to music, circus and outdoor gym. It’s a perfect opportunity to hang out with both old and new friends – see you there!

All activities are free. Check out the entire activity schedule on Kista Galleria's website and read more on the Church of Sweden's website

Join in the fun! ?


’Sommar på torget’ takes place in collaboration between Spånga-Kista parish, Kista meeting, Shanta basketball, Muslim aid, Kista Sports Club, Save the Children, Drömstort, Kista fire station and Fryshuset Husby, with support from Citycon and the district administration.

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