Järva Week 2022 is being held June 1–5. This year the event focuses on the topics belief in the future and democracy. If you want to take part in the discussions and discover more about what is going on in Kista and Järva, you can either go to the event at Spånga IP or follow the broadcasts on the news channel Järvaveckan Live via YouTube orJärvaveckan's website.
The Kloud will be on site and participate in a number of ways, says Sarah Paskota, project manager at Kista Limitless and working with The Kloud.
“For us, it feels obvious to participate in Järva Week – especially when this year's focus is belief in the future. This is completely in line with our work to update, improve and activate Kista. When Sweden's most innovative district gets 8,000 new homes and 8,000 new jobs, opportunities are created for the entire local area – in tech as well as all the other activities needed for a modern and vibrant urban environment.”
Meet us!
Järva Week
Opportunities in a more fun Kista - Järva Week
Visit us in tent H16:1 to find out more about the Kista of the future.
Attend the seminar Möjligheter i ett roligare Kista (Opportunities in a more fun Kista) on June 3 at 12.00-13.00. Held in Swedish, it is about how Kista's development creates opportunities for the entire Järva area.
KISTA OPEN ART - Join the art competition which is open to everyone
Watch Kista Limitless CEO Johan Thomsson as he participates in the panel discussion Bostad för alla: Vem har råd att hyra eller köpa? (Housing for all: Who can afford to rent or buy?) June 4 at 16.00–16.45.